July 03, 2012

A day in the lake...

We've had several activities later... which I'm grateful for and I really enjoy.

Last week we had an outing in the middle of the week with MG's coworkers and boss.
We went to the lake for the day and rented a boat and went out and about, enjoyed the wind while the boat was running and lots of swimming when we decided to stop and throw the anchor.
It was a 2 level boat with a little ladder to take you up and a slide to the water. And we had a tube too... that MG and I enjoyed a lot!
I spent a little too much time upstairs and my back and thights are still suffering the effects of a (pretty bad) sunburn. MG has taken great care of me applying generous quantities of Aloe and lotion. I spent a couple of rough nights because the sting and pain would awake me every time I moved... So I'm never understimating the need for sunblock again... (I did have put some earlier, everywhere else but in my back and thights... oh well)
They even brought a griller and we had a totally delicious meat, sausages and corn...
Everything was cooked perfectly and had been marinated since the night before, so it was tender and juicy and just heavenly!!
As soon as it came out of the griller, it was passed to MG who would chop it for everyone else to enjoy...
it was amazing... and it was one of the hottest days so far, and we were around 104F that day! So I drank tons of water and gatorade, and more swiming was in order...
So here's a very happy couple whishing you all a very happy 4th of July!!!
See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I'm so glad you had a good time. It's hard not to get burned when it's that hot and bright - even with sunblock.


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