November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving review...


How was your Thanksgiving???

I hope you had a wonderful weekend, full of magic and nice things.

We had wonderful times... dear MG took all 4 days off work and it was a blessing.
I started crocheting a little stocking to welcome MG on Wednesday night... he loved it!!!
I saw a post on Ravelry pointing to it (post done by Lucy from Attic24)... and then follow the instructions on Le Monde de Sucrette blog (wonderful and nice colorful blog I must say!)
It was rainy outside so I didn0t have good light to take the picture... I played with my camera settings but none gave the right colors... but you can still get the idea...

We cooked a "Cranberry Ham" on Thursday morning...
... then went for lunch to a nice restaurant in campus...
...and then took the ham to a party with MG's friends... It was fun to get together and meet new people.
Thanksgiving is not something we have in Mexico, and we didn't grew up with it, but since we've lived in the US it had become MG's favorite holliday. He awaits it the whole year and he counts days to it on the last month.

Here are some reasons I'm thankful for this year:::
  • I have a really wonderful and sweet husband that loves me completely and makes me feel really like the most special girl in the world.
  • We are both happy and healthy and loving each other more and more.
  • We both have amazing families that love and support us.
  • MG has a work he loves, were he's inspired and happy.
  • I have a whole bunch of incredible friends at the yarn shop. 
  • I have someone to love, something to do and something to wait and wish for. 
Friday started early (6am) at the mall... where we got nice deals in some clothes for me and tennis shoes for him. Not a lot more shopping. But it was nice and fun.
Nice breakfast and then a good amount of yarn shopping in a different yarn shop, since my loved shop doesn't carry the colors I needed (more on that later).
And then all afternoon spent with my friends and MG at my usual YS. Happy times!

Saturday with friends and a college football game!!!

Sunday of relax and laziness with MG at home... I stayed all day in my pj's!! that's happyness!

How was your weekend??? What are you thankful for?
See you soon!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've had a wonderful time of late and that you are thankful for everything you have. Good for you!!

    *H*A*P*P*Y* * *H*O*L*I*D*A*Y*S*!*!*!*

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


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